NP20 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NP20 5 is a postcode sector in Newport, UK. Below is a complete list of NP20 5 Postcodes (Active). NP20 5 postcode sector comprises of 206 active postcodes. NP20 5 sector has a population of 9495, and it has 4274 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NP20 5 postcode sector

NP20 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9495
Addresses / Property Count 4274
Active Postcodes 206
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of NP20 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 206 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NP20 5AA 51.58552600 -3.02215100 28 56 329278 187903
NP20 5AB 51.58635200 -3.02328100 9 18 329201 187996
NP20 5AD 51.58575300 -3.02396000 14 39 329153 187930
NP20 5AE 51.58478800 -3.02531000 23 60 329058 187824
NP20 5AF 51.58524500 -3.02656200 25 58 328972 187876
NP20 5AG 51.58645200 -3.02419300 25 64 329138 188008
NP20 5AH 51.58710300 -3.02072900 31 73 329379 188077
NP20 5AJ 51.58689600 -3.01762100 15 32 329594 188051
NP20 5AL 51.58804600 -3.01982600 33 83 329443 188181
NP20 5AN 51.58674100 -3.02203400 19 52 329288 188038
NP20 5AP 51.58609900 -3.02030200 41 100 329407 187965
NP20 5AQ 51.58663700 -3.02048700 8 14 329395 188025
NP20 5AR 51.58621900 -3.01899100 32 73 329498 187977
NP20 5AS 51.58716800 -3.01632800 8 14 329684 188080
NP20 5AT 51.58789800 -3.01612700 7 8 329699 188161
NP20 5AU 51.58896600 -3.01641100 13 22 329681 188280
NP20 5AW 51.58907100 -3.01775600 17 27 329588 188293
NP20 5AY 51.58812800 -3.01763400 11 16 329595 188188
NP20 5AZ 51.58739800 -3.01784800 9 14 329579 188107
NP20 5BA 51.58936600 -3.00755700 27 84 330295 188316
NP20 5BB 51.58899300 -3.01010400 20 50 330118 188277
NP20 5BD 51.58838800 -3.01036500 27 36 330099 188210
NP20 5BE 51.58909600 -3.01201800 19 51 329986 188290
NP20 5BG 51.58833400 -3.01456400 25 67 329808 188208
NP20 5BH 51.58790600 -3.01314000 23 76 329906 188159
NP20 5BJ 51.58680800 -3.01535300 12 27 329751 188039
NP20 5BL 51.58569000 -3.01779600 15 36 329580 187917
NP20 5BN 51.58776500 -3.01066800 4 13 330077 188141
NP20 5BP 51.58850300 -3.00849100 28 79 330229 188221
NP20 5BQ 51.58932400 -3.01452800 10 21 329812 188318
NP20 5BR 51.58716800 -3.01429200 15 29 329825 188078
NP20 5BS 51.58935100 -3.01348900 8 18 329884 188320
NP20 5BT 51.58854000 -3.01155200 6 9 330017 188228
NP20 5BU 51.58726500 -3.01577300 2 7 329723 188090
NP20 5BW 51.58816100 -3.00965200 N/A N/A 330148 188184
NP20 5BX 51.59043000 -3.01237300 N/A N/A 329963 188439
NP20 5BY 51.58998400 -3.01193000 N/A N/A 329993 188389
NP20 5BZ 51.58974100 -3.01220500 N/A N/A 329974 188362
NP20 5DA 51.59055100 -3.00775600 18 51 330283 188448
NP20 5DB 51.59159300 -3.00997400 27 72 330131 188566
NP20 5DD 51.59134400 -3.01303500 31 72 329919 188541
NP20 5DE 51.58962000 -3.01682200 33 89 329654 188353
NP20 5DG 51.58817200 -3.01689100 30 41 329647 188192
NP20 5DJ 51.58825600 -3.01838700 13 26 329543 188203
NP20 5DL 51.58871200 -3.01893800 3 5 329506 188254
NP20 5DN 51.59077900 -3.01571500 10 24 329732 188481
NP20 5DP 51.59212500 -3.00452900 39 76 330509 188620
NP20 5DQ 51.59149400 -3.00685300 18 31 330347 188552
NP20 5DR 51.59215100 -3.00572800 29 64 330426 188624
NP20 5DS 51.59272700 -3.00559600 61 128 330436 188688
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